monday... monday
what a beginning to my week.
week 2 back to work.
im really lovin being back.
part time work is nice.
you cant really get sick of it.
On saturday
we went to a friend's house who have a baby just a couple weeks younger than Jack. It was a fun get together, and all the extra friends who haven't met Jack yet, got to see him.
we got a swing for Jack. . . he loves.
I got a morning coffee with Frek
on Sunday.
Brad got a 52 inch tv..
its freakin huge, you guys.
Annie and I took Majestic and Jack to the drum circle.
Frek met us there.
I met some new friends.
Saw 20 weeks pregnant Lola & her man there, she's having a girl.
JAck loves the drums, & majes was a good girl.
annie learning to throw fire.
stayed til dark.
Frek bought us SweetTomatoes for dinner..
&Tonight Presley said she was ready for bed.
put in shrek2 and shes out.
gave jack a bath
& now freshy clean bebe is passed out in my bed.
tomorrow is my night clinic night,
I need:
to do my laundry.(jack has no clean blankets.)
to dye my hair
to put these new plants in soil
a new bra
to clean oUT my car
to buy my franti ticket
to go on a hike
to get my emission/inspection done on car
to get babyboy's birth certificate
to workout( im sore from saturday's workout and its NICE)
to love my boyfriend while the kiddos are out.
good night
annie/presley watching bob live doin redemption song. cant get the youtube to upload here, but you can watch, go here.