Thursday, December 3, 2009

juat two more things added to my xmas list...

simple "carry on" boot

chi flat iron


Lovely Lindsay said...

you NEED those boots. they are you. the cutest. love, lin
see ya later!!!!!!1

Steen said...

i hope you get those boots. and wear them to smiths with shorts on. one time i tried to do that and chris couldn't believe i'd be seen in public. i thought it was normal larson attire.

Pres8Jes said...

it is normal larson attire. you need groceries? come with on fried day.

michelle said...

those boots are on sale right now for $39.90

cathmom said...

Shorts? How 'bout plaid pajama pants cut off mid calf, striped knee socks then boots? Top it with a "Cathy's turning 50" orange t-shirt and you have Larson attire - for girls anyway. Only true beauty? can pull off that look!