Monday, June 15, 2009

a quick breather.

i got pulled over this morning, but he gave me a warning, i guess the yellow light i ran was too close to red, maybe it was orange.
thanked my lucky stars though.
i came home for a quick bite of leftover red rice.
soon i have to hurry to a chiropractor appt, insurance appt, and then my pre natal appt.
mondays use to be my afternoons off, to relax and get a nap, i never take them, but they were nice on a monday afternoon.
now they're my only times free to schedule stuff when im not at work.
brads hardrive isnt reading anything no usb chords, no cds, nothin. so i dont have a picture for you today.
i'll get one up on my 36th
yeah 36 weeks this week.!
i think lindsay/jade & company are on their way at this moment, im excited!
this will be a happy week and very busy.

aw i want a few more bites, ive got to get-go.

1 comment:

cassandra noƫlla said...

pres can't be afraid of moths.. i love moths.. moths & bees are my totem. we'll have to find out what presleys totem is. and yours.
and one day jacks.

my mom told me it was a scorpion.. even more gross. ewww. not liking that at all.

missin you!