Thursday, March 19, 2009


*didn’t sleep good last night
*…but took a morning walk
*bought fund-raiser chocolate
*played bob marley and california soul for my belly
*painted my fingernails red
*played basketball with presley
*forgot my housekey at brads house
*got some fresh orange juice
*separation of self-Saturday
*made Indonesian peanute sauté for annie and brad
*plant daisies
*need new glass
*curiously a drum circle weekend?

Indonesian Peanut Saute
(whatever veggies you like)
I fried in olive oil:
-Cucumber, red pepper, broccoli, and carrot.
-Linguini noodles
-1 ½ c peanut butter + 2 tbs
-1/2 c fresh squeezed lime juice
-¼ c water
-2 tbs brown sugar
-2 tbs soy sauce
-1 tbs cayenne pepper
2 coves pressed garlic

Mix veggies into sauce and top over pasta. Sprinkle crushed peanuts over the top.
I also served with our original h’ourderves:
Wheat thins with cream cheese topped with cubes of red, green, orange and yellow bell peppers. YUM

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