Monday, February 2, 2009

no lie eye

i just made some mozzarella sticks and some pears with cottage cheese.
Sittin in my bed watching Princess Bride and eating....this is a new habit, eating in my room, my bed nonetheless.
presley and i took a two hour nap this afternoon, it was great.
i love my monday afternoons off.
this weekend we played alot.
& went to a superbowl party.
the commercials were lame, but i enjoyed the game.
i like when football is interesting,
i tried calling jade, but her PHONE IS OFF, like usual.
when presley gets mad at me, she says 'i wanna tell christine'
so she tells on beaner.
oh 2 year olds are fun...ny


Jade said...

presley is looking pretty. i think she should be a gap model. hahah. i cant believe her hairstyle is still the same basically. maybe just a little thicker. ill call tomorrow. i'm a good movie watched mea nd kdoy get one proabbly every night. and i just starting eating cottage cheese it was on my new years resolution. anyway, beep. and hey brad.

Jade said...


cassandra noƫlla said...

oh a purple lantern ! COOL!

state daycare. at least you dont live here. california is BROKE!

hows utah? i heard it was a red day