i had a birthday and im old now.
cat made me some enchiladas and red rice.

brad got me a gift card to sego lily day spa, very generously loaded.

on valentines day we stayed in, ordered take out and watched movies,
we had a good time.
i love brad.

my friends and i went out to desert edge for my birthday dinner celebration,
i was glad everyone came,

i had a really good weekend, im just getting my things together and ready for WA,
mom and i went to whole foods and got some goodies, i still need to get big groceries tomorrow.
doing loads of laundry right now and relaxin at my mama's.
just made some tea.
we ordered a movie on demand.
im hungry.
chuck is in boise.
i didnt even know it was this late.
i'll talk to you guys later.

if anyone from washington wants me to bring anything specific from utah,
speak now.

i like when u post pics. its good to see jen.. miss her. call me today or somethin, im pretty freakin lonely now that kodys gone and happily in utah. i hope its okay with you that my apartment smells weird and i cant get rid of the smell.
something specific? yeah. steen.
make your itinerary. you have only a few days to see ALL of tri-town. what's on your list?
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