Wednesday, January 2, 2008

i want the peace grenade....really bad. really so bad.

i thought and thought about giving the story behind this photograph....
but its just fine by itself. cute litt'l munchkin i got me.

i had to take my bra off at work.
i couldnt handle it today.
think im nuts... i get it from my mama.
who "cant do the dishes" in her bra.
thats why you always see it hanging over a chair in the dining room.


Lovely Lindsay said...

nice hairs pres. you sure are pretty.
nat... is that true? about the dishes? that's why her bras always on the chair? i never knew. i took mine off today and i usually sleep in it. we must be feeling liberated. i love that we have a house full of girls. poor dad.

Lovely Lindsay said...
read my new blog. there will be a prize. it's her (the blogs) birthday.