Saturday, December 22, 2007


We got our tickets yesterday to DJ Tiesto's IN SEARCH OF SUNRISE Tour!!!!!
I'm so stoked on it. Just 3 days after Christmas.

I told you if he came anywhere near me, I'd go again and again and again and again.
Next time it will be in Amsterdam.../my new home.
I'm workin a long day today...the $$ will be good but I wish i were in the mountains!

1 comment:

cassaundra said...

hahahahah are you serious?
thursday night it says at 1:37am

i was sleeping.....
i sleep with my phone so maybe that was me rolling over it.
thats hilarious im cracking up.

im kinda scared to see snow.
kind of really scared.

ok i will drink the natalie-mix-tea
tonight while i watch a film.
my sickness is getting better because i ate about 100 vitamin c... which i think now i am addicted too.
and sambucal and vibe.
and zicam.
i refuse to get sick and stay sick.

oh my gosh natalie

i went to a black and white party on friday
and i got hit on by everyone in that house.
there were alot of people, so it was nuts. and i drank then drove home after i sobered up.
i wasnt that drunk. i wasnt drunk actually just you know b-zed.

honeysuckle!!!!!!! thats not rare!!!!!! that grows all over the hills around my area! well not this time of season tho of coruse. i love to pick the flowers and take the stem off and suck the juice out. so sweet and delicious.

SEE YOU IN 6 DAYS. oh gosh